Squirrel-Away Your Stories

Tell me your story. I’ll write it for you.

Story Squirrel: A personal story writing service, can help you retrieve your story treasures. Written for you in your own voice and capturing the essence of what it is you want to share, your story will be professionally written and bound together in a book you’ll cherish or give as a truly unique and heartfelt gift. If content for a gift ‘book’ feels too big, consider a snapshot story, speech, an adapted fairytale or a series of themed postcards leading up to a big surprise or event. Or maybe to help you let go of a story you keep telling yourself, share it with me and I will write a personalized meditation you can work with to help clear your path.

Stories worth saving

Some stories are such a joy to dig up that you share them again and again promising that one day you’ll write them down so your kids and your grandchildren will always remember. Other stories are meant to be shared only with those who created them with you in the first place. For example, What happened in Vegas…should definitely be made into a book for your best friend for her birthday.

Inspirational stories

Stories are often so beautiful they inspire others to love bigger. Dream wider. How did you meet your beloved? What was it like to be pregnant and have your first child? Where did you travel on your own in your twenties? And do you think the man you fell in love with would have made a good husband if you’d stayed? 

Stories that heal

Sometimes buried stories simply need to be told. Have you overcome an illness or accident that makes you see the world differently? Would sharing your story help someone else? Do you want to write your personal love story for your life partner,  or a ‘coming of age’ advice book for your sister turning 50? What about one for your brave, inspirational aunt facing a cancer diagnosis, or in loving memory of your father as a gift to your mom? Would telling your story simply help you to let go of it so you can free up your mind for other loves, interests and a fresh start?

View possibilities, packages and prices now.

About the Squirrel

About Story Squirrel

Hi, My name is Katherine…

I love stories. I am also a great listener and the writer behind Story Squirrel: A personal story writing service.

Tell me about the tales that have shaped you. Or the reason you are inspired to give the gift of a story to someone you love. Let me help you dig up the stuff that matters and reorganize the bulbs in your garden so that your story makes sense.

I will be attentive to every detail you share. I will watch for the language and phrases you use. Your unique voice will be heard. I will use all my experience as a writer, and all my passion for capturing stories to make your gift or book the most authentic expression of the story that needs to be told.

I am also a meditation guide and yoga instructor. Often it is true that the stories we tell ourselves are holding us back from living our best and most authentic life. Tell me your story, or at least the version of one that is on a continuous loop, and I will write a response to it in the form of a personalized guided meditation. *

I am a person who others simply trust with their stories; even those I randomly meet. I have taken to heart stories about loss; the death of a child, parents, spouses and friends. I have listened to stories about illnesses, love affairs, divorces, addictions and dreams turned reality. These stories matter. Sometimes they just need to be told and other times they don’t leave you alone until they are written. Maybe you have a story you hope will be read for generations. Maybe you have a series of really funny and quirky stories about your dad or goofy cousin or best friend. Maybe you have a story you want to give to someone you love, written in your voice, so that they know they are cherished and understood.

What is your story? I want to write it for you.

*To read some of my stories or to explore some sample meditations visit my blog at thehelpfulmind.com.

Cut to the chase pricing

Your New Story: A Personal Meditation $375 each

Freelance writing service

Includes: A personalized meditation written specifically for you. A professionally-produced audio recording and digital script will be provided to guide you.

Would telling your story around a specific issue free up your mind for other passions, interests and a fresh start? Would you like to manifest specific personal or business goals? Explore the ‘Create Your New Story’ questionnaire with Katherine and she will write a personalized meditation script and audio recording that will include powerful affirmations unique to you and your journey.

Freelance story writing

Gift books from $899

Includes: Four half-hour guided interview sessions or one writing content question answered a week for six months, digital copy and gift book up to 3,500 words.

Snapshot Stories from $425 each

  • Celebrate a life
  • Shared milestones or recognition gift
  • Heartfelt speeches and vows
  • Story themed surprise
Freelance writing service

Includes: Two half-hour interviews or series of writing content questions answered over 6 weeks, digital copy provided for up to 1,000 words for one writing project listed.